70. Convert 10x more with gamification - Filip Tröger (Flarie)

Entertainment and gamification are extremely powerful!

Filip Tröger, the CEO & Co-founder at Flarie, in B2B SaaS CEOs.

We discussed how you can 10x your conversion, scalable business models, role models, the importance of focus on one thing, and much more.



1:20 - Who is Filip Tröger?

2:15 - Flarie's elevator pitch.

4:00 - 5 quick ones.

5:15 - Why he and his co-founders started Flarie.

8:45 - Regarding the competition Filip & Josef are doing together where you can win value of €13 000 to scale your business - try the game HERE.

10:15 - External questions from Ella Colldin Flintberg at Teodora Tech: "I believe that which role models you have says a lot about who you aim to be as a leader or person. Therefore I'm intrigued to know what role models you've got? Why and how do they/or this person impact your life? What makes them worthy of being inspired by?"

13:00 - GTM strategy deep dive

19:45 - The best way to do outreach to Filip.

23:00 - A topic of Filip's choice: Scalable business models

29:55 - External questions from Therése Thard Rydelius at MyGizmo: "If you could re-do your startup journey, what are the main two things you would do differently?"

32:15 - Filip's favorite life motto.

Music in the episode

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